Topic: Months

Learn the names of the months in English, their pronunciation, and how to use them in context.

Months Vocabulary

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Word Word Form IPA Meaning Example
January Noun /ˈdʒæn.juˌɛr.i/ The first month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. "We celebrate New Year's Day in January."
February Noun /ˈfeb.ruːˌɛr.i/ The second month of the year, often associated with Valentine's Day. "Valentine's Day falls in February."
March Noun /mɑːrtʃ/ The third month of the year, typically associated with the arrival of spring. "Spring begins in March."
April Noun /ˈeɪ.prəl/ The fourth month of the year, often associated with springtime. "April showers bring May flowers."
May Noun /meɪ/ The fifth month of the year, often a month for celebrations. "May is a popular month for weddings."
June Noun /dʒuːn/ The sixth month of the year, known for the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. "June marks the beginning of summer."
July Noun /dʒʊˈlaɪ/ The seventh month of the year, often the hottest month of the year. "Independence Day is celebrated in July in the United States."
August Noun /ˈɔːɡəst/ The eighth month of the year, typically a warm month in the Northern Hemisphere. "August is a popular month for vacations."
September Noun /sɛpˈtɛmbər/ The ninth month of the year, marking the beginning of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. "School often begins in September."
October Noun /ɒkˈtoʊbər/ The tenth month of the year, known for Halloween. "October is a month full of Halloween celebrations."
November Noun /noʊˈvɛmbər/ The eleventh month of the year, typically associated with fall in the Northern Hemisphere. "Thanksgiving is celebrated in November in the United States."
December Noun /dɪˈsɛmbər/ The twelfth and final month of the year, often associated with winter holidays. "December is the month of Christmas celebrations."